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Exploring the Mouth’s Microbial Wonders

Exploring the Mouth’s Microbial Wonders
Scientists developed a technique to image the various strains of bacteria found in a biofilm scraped from the surface of the human tongue. | Steven Wilbert and Gary Borisy, ADA Forsyth Institute

Scientific explorations into the mouth reveal a diverse world of microbes that profoundly influence our health. The oral cavity hosts a complex ecosystem of bacteria, fungi, and viruses collectively known as the microbiome. While some microbes contribute to oral diseases like tooth decay and gum disease, others play crucial roles in maintaining health by competing with harmful germs and aiding immune responses.

Decades of research, supported by the NIDCR, have unveiled the intricate relationships within the oral microbiome. New imaging techniques now allow scientists to map these microbial communities in detail, showing how different species organize into complex structures akin to tiny towns. Understanding these microbial dynamics could lead to strategies for promoting health-promoting microbes and combating disease-causing ones.

Moreover, ongoing studies explore microbial "dark matter," elusive species detected by DNA but difficult to grow in labs. These discoveries, including unique partnerships between bacteria and fungi, highlight the complexity and potential therapeutic insights of the oral microbiome.


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